4.4 Settings

ShareControl IFRS 16 is customized for each company or group of companies. If you want the same settings to be copied onto multiple sites, ShareControl or your local IT partner can assist. Before you start to register contracts, you need to go through a setup, as described below, for each site:

Click Settings in the top menu to move to the following site (Only for administrators).

4.4.1 Landing page

The Menu let you choose which page appears first when you open the add-in. You will normally have the standard setting here.

4.4.2 Library

To configure, go to the Library menu. It’s important that you select the relevant category for creating a library, as the metadata will vary from one category to another.

By clicking on a single category, you can see which libraries you have created in the different categories. You can also hide, create new, and remove libraries from the category. Note that if you have ShareControl Contract, it’s only one type of libraries that are available. If you have the full versions of ShareControl Contract and IFRS 16, you’ll have different kinds of libraries available for different kinds of contracts (Land and properties, other IFRS 16 contracts and contracts outside the scope of IFRS 16).

After the configuration of a new library, click to get the configuration updated.

Click image on the right to change the name of a library, and when finished, click image to save. Click image to hide the library. You can create new libraries by typing in the text and clicking image. You can find all hidden libraries by clicking the drop-down menu called, Choose existing, and you can unhide them by selecting them individually.

4.4.3 Metadata

Metadata (Or Index data) is used in all libraries to organize files and prepare calculations under IFRS 16. Metadata is shown as a dropdown menu when you’re creating or editing folders. The use of metadata creates a uniform document structure. The metadata in IFRS 16 will be consistent for all folders. If metadata is not selected, the sorting functionality will be less effective.

The following metadata should be set (Included in the drop-down menu) before you start to register a contract:

Lease category (The standard IAS 16 classification) - Use to classify ROU Assets for footnotes, etc.

Company – Legal entity that has entered the contract.

Department – Should be consistent with your accounting system to facilitate reconciliation and transfer of files.

Discount rate category – Is used to set discount rates in the calculation of present value of the lease liability for new or modified/ reassessed lease contracts. Categories of discount rates can be based on geography (Countries), rental period and underlying assets.

Currency – Includes all relevant currencies that the group operates. Please use the same abbreviation as used by the bank/ accounting system of updated currency rates.

Type of lease adjustment – CPI, interest, market adjustments or any other adjustment.

Under the Account vouchers, you also need to set the year and period (Normally the month) as metadata. This is set by default but can be modified.

To edit the metadata, move to the relevant category and click the title you want to edit. Click image on the right to edit the value, and when finished, click image to save. Select image to delete. You can create new values by typing in the text and clicking image at the end of the metadata list.

image Note: Deleting or changing values in Settings will affect all folders where these values have been used. The metadata will also be changed in locked folders.

image If the app is set up several times, the metadata cannot be changed for all installations at the same time. Metadata changes need to be made per installed app.

image When you’re creating a new folder in a library and are missing a value in the metadata, you can’t move directly from the folder to Settings to create a new value. The folder needs to be saved first, and then you can change the settings for the metadata by going back, editing the folder, and adding the new value.

image If a category of metadata can’t be used, these can be removed. We can assist you in doing this. It’s not recommended that you try to do this by yourself.

4.4.4 Field descriptions

Field description is used for describing and explaining common metadata. You can choose metadata from the dropdown menu and create new values by typing or editing the description in the text and clicking image . Click image on the right to edit the value and when finished, click image to save. Select image to delete.

By clicking on the question mark by the side of a metadata category for IFRS 16, the description of the metadata will be shown on the screen.

4.4.5 Guidelines

The administrator can add internal guidelines, relevant articles, links, etc. under guidelines.

Combine the company’s guidelines with the IFRS standards to have all the information in one place. This way, you’ll save time for emails, version conflicts, etc. You can also add forms, templates and links to other websites, such as IFRS 16 articles, Auditors website, etc.

We recommend separating guidelines from other documents, as these are used to understand company processes and principles and therefore shall not be edited by the users (As opposed to folders and documents in the library). Internal guidelines can be uploaded to the relevant library and will not be shown in other libraries.

Start by saving the file in SharePoint. Click Up one level in the top menu. Move to Site Contents and use the Documents library to upload your guidelines, etc.

image If you’re unable to find the Site Contents, click the cogwheel image to the upper right and select Site Contents from the menu.

Go back to the Settings app, and select the Calendar and guidelines tab.

To add guidelines, enter the title, type or copy a URL, upload a file, etc. Or use image to find the document that you wish to add. (You can now browse Document and select the file uploaded to the Document library as described above).

When you click image, you will see the window below. You can also select the library where you want to place the file. Select Choose libraries and select the libraries where the link should be placed. Click image to save.

To make the change, click the image, and when finished, click image to save. To delete, click image.

4.4.6 Hide fields

The IFRS 16 solution contains all fields and metadata that might be relevant for companies using the solution. Different companies have different situations and might not need to use all the fields. The 2021 version makes it possible to hide fields that are not relevant.

Go to Settings and IFRS 16.

Click on Show additional options.

You can hide fields that might not be relevant. We can assist you in this process.

You can also enable or disable the Cash Flow function. If it’s enabled, the system will automatically split the lease payments according to the change date to more effectively show the change in the lease payments before and after the specified change date.

As illustrated below, if the Cash flow function is enabled, you can view the historical data marked in yellow before the change date under the lease payment.

You can display or hide links to relevant public websites where the CPI rate can be read.

You can choose between linking to ssb.no (Norway) or scb.se (Sweden) or you can choose both.

The link will appear under Index regulation for individual contracts

or under the Mass adjustment function:

4.4.7 Lock reporting period

In order to avoid changes or new contract to be entered in periods that are closed, you can set a start date for a reporting period. This is to ensure that already reported figures are affected. For errors in previous periods, see the new accounting date functionality (Section 15).

Go to Settings and choose IFRS 16, set the date and press Save.

4.4.8 Properties and Support

Information about your license key. You need your license key to get new versions.

Register the company or group that will appear on the front page.

Hide or show the Tasks function.

Hide or show the contracts that need to be reviewed on the frontpage.

A choice as to whether to open files directly on the PC instead of on the web. The default behavior of Macro documents is to open documents in Client Applications. The default behavior of other type of documents is to open documents in Office Web Apps.

Upgrade the structure of the libraries after you’ve upgraded the app to a newer version with a different library structure.

Information about support.

4.4.9 Synchronization

You can get a synchronized copy of the content in your libraries by using OneDrive combined with SharePoint. This function is useful if you need to copy files to a new site, download files for security storage or due to requirements for local storage of files (Please see Microsoft security https://products.office.com/nb-no/business/office-365-trust-center-welcome?omkt=en-US).

4.4.10 IFRS 16

You can have better control of registration by adding a cut-off date to the ShareControl Settings menu. By setting this date the administrator will be able to restrict its users from making changes that will affect results in accounting periods that have been closed. This includes both entering new contracts and making changes to existing contracts.

You can choose reporting periods and set the first date the change can be registered. For example, you can set reporting period date to June 30th 2020 to prevent any changes or leases being registered before this date, so that the data in the calculation file for half-year report 2020 won’t be changed.

A choice as to whether or not Mass update CPI or Rate and Log change should be included in the menu

Scan buttons for upgrading the app to new version.

Download IQY files with all IFRS 16 data.

4.4.11 Power Automate Notifications

Configuration of the Share Control Notifications solution is done in the settings of the SharePoint add-in.


Enable or disable the notifications module


You can enable or disable the notifications module. If the module is disabled, the Power Automate solution will terminate immediately and not send any notifications going forward. Existing notifications can still be stopped and commented on, and reminders for these will still be sent. Disabling will also hide the metadata fields within the Power Automate Notifications section.

Show or hide the notification fields


It’s possible to choose how many of the standard notifications should be visible when registering a lease. Standard notifications are the ones with the question “Add a notification?”. If these are disabled, they will be hidden in the registration view and notifications of this type will not be sent. If they are not used, it’s a good idea to disable them to make the execution time of the notification solution quicker.

Choose the notification language


Notifications are available in both English and Norwegian. Your choice here will affect the language of the notifications and reminders, but not the SharePoint add-in.

Set the reminder frequency


If a notification is not stopped immediately, reminders will be sent. The frequency set here is the amount of days between each reminder. We recommend 7 days as more frequent reminders can be excessive and annoying for the recipients.

If the frequency is set to 0 days, no reminders will be sent. This is equivalent to turning off reminders. For installations across multiple SharePoint sites, this option is only set on the main site and used for all.

Additional options

More advanced settings are found under Additional options. These are hidden by default, but can be made visible by pressing the blue button that says “Show additional options”.


Notification types

It’s possible to disable the different notification types. It’s generally a good idea to disable those which are not in use. This will only disable email notifications. The notification dates will still be visible when registering leases and notifications will still be shown on the frontpage dashboard.


Show/hide fields

The Time of regulation and Responsible fields pre-date the Share Control Notifications module and overlap somewhat with fields such as Notification date and Primary responsible. If you don’t need them, these fields can be hidden here.


Error messages

To ensure that installations work properly, errors are sent to ShareControl. When an error occurs, an entry is made in the error log. This entry is also sent to Share Control if enabled. If you don’t want this, you can disable it here. Daily status messages are also sent to ShareControl as a way to notify ShareControl that the solution is operational and has not stopped working due to lack of permissions or otherwise impacted by Azure settings.


Notification roles

Roles are used as abstractions for the notification recipients. Instead of directly assigning a person as responsible for a lease, you assign a person to a role, and a role to a lease. This makes it easier to transfer the responsibility from one person to another.


To create a notification role, you must fill in values in the two input fields at the bottom of the list and click the green button. The first column is the name of the role, and will appear in the dropdown menu in the registration view. In the second column you must assign the person who will receive notifications on behalf of this role. When you choose a person for this column you can select between all persons on your Microsoft 365 tenant, however you will not be able to save if the person you selected does not have access to the SharePoint site. You must create at least one role to use notifications.

Both the name and the person can be edited for a role by pressing the blue button. Notifications that are already sent will not be re-sent if a role is edited, but future notifications on existing leases will be affected by any changes. A role can be deleted by pressing the red button. However be aware that all leases with the role assigned as responsible will lose its responsible role, and a new responsible must be assigned manually. Because of this, you should be careful about deleting a notification role.

Notification log

At the bottom of the settings page, you can find a complete notification log. This list shows all notifications that have been sent by the notifications module. Each row represents a separate notification with information about which lease it concerns and which library the lease is located in. Additionally, the description of the notification as well as the primary responsible and the notification date is listed. In the rightmost column, a history of the notification is displayed. This includes the date it was sent, the date it was stopped and by whom. This is also where you will find any comments submitted when the notification was stopped.


Below the notification log, the error log is displayed. An error is logged if the notification solution fails. We advice you to contact Share Control if you have recent errors logged as this could mean notifications are not sent properly.