19.5 Forecast and Budget (Pro version)
The forecast spreadsheet is where you can get short-term and long-term estimates of future financial outcomes about contracts. This is a good budgeting tool to help create and update a company’s budget. The forecast is only available in the Pro version.
You can use the Forecast spreadsheet to choose the period you want to forecast. Since the forecast sheet uses closing exchanges rates on the same currency table as the other summary sheets, you need to set the appropriate lookup period on the Menu spreadsheet before generating the forecast. For example, if you set the main lookup period to 2019 and do a forecast for 2020, the numbers in the forecast sheet will be converted with the closing exchange rates for 2019.
Choose the forecast frequency by either choosing a frequency from the drop-down menu, for example, Quarterly, which means the data in each column is the sum forecast of three months,
or by directly entering a number, which represents the number of months in each column, for example “2”. This way, the data in each column is the sum forecast of two months.
If “18” is entered, the data in each column is the total sum forecast of one-and-half year.
Filters can also be set. You can make selections for Company, Department, etc.
Add currency and then click Default layout to get the forecast.
The date of the currency is set in the Menu.
You can further customise your forecast by selecting types of data from the drop-down menu located in the cells in the first column. After a selection has been made, the view is updated automatically. To delete a type of data from the results, you can select the type of the result and delete the content by pressing Delete on the keyboard.
Here’s the list of the drop-down menu, where you can select and set up the forecast:
If you are customer who have purchased an integration function, you can click Account layout to get a forecast shown by the specific account number of your company.
Note: In the account layout, there’s no currency conversion.