15.1 Change date

Before we register any changes, we need to know that the changes must be registered in chronological order. Choosing a change date before the date of the last change is not possible. It’s also impossible to choose a date after the end of the contract.

The changes are accounted in the month of the change, so it’s important that this date is within the accounting period that’s not closed. We therefore strongly recommend following up changes on a continuous basis.

The date of the change is registered here:

Please note that the specific day of the month when a change occurs is considered by the 2020 version of the calculation model. If the change date is in the latter half of the month, the calculation model assumes that the interest and depreciation have already been booked before the change date. Therefore, in the calculation model, the depreciation and interest in the month of the change will be the old depreciation and old interest of the month.

Let’s take CPI adjustments as an example. A quarterly paid contract has a CPI adjustment in January 2021, and the quarterly lease payments will be changed from 491,040 to 502,000. If the change date is set to January 31st 2021 (After January 15th 2021), the interest and depreciation in January 2021 are the old interest (17,132) and old depreciation (152,722), before the CPI adjustment. The value of the ROU asset pr January 31st 2021 will be 7,344,315.

If the change date is set to January 1st 2021 (before January 15th 2021), the interest and depreciation in January 2021 are the new interest (17,557) and new depreciation (156,180), after the CPI adjustment. The value of the ROU asset pr January 31st 2021 will be 7,340,474.