4.6 Processing tasks
Use the task function to assign tasks to others and process tasks that others have assigned to you.
Task processing can be viewed on the front page of the ShareControl add-in.
Your tasks contains an overview of all tasks assigned to you.
Tasks created by you gives an overview of all tasks you have assigned to others.
Other tasks shows the ones you’re not involved with, and where you can find them.
When you have selected a task, you’ll see its details to the right.
4.6.1 Task details on the frontpage
Documents displays the task folder(s) and its related documents.
Task shows all tasks processed in that folder. The most recent task will be on the top, with older and completed tasks below.
The task status is shown beside the name of the person responsible. The initial message is shown immediately, and no feedback is given. Click the speech bubble to add feedback, then select Approve, Prepared, Decline or Not started to set the task status.
Click Show additional options to get Task administration. Then change the assigner, the assigned, the title of the task, the deadline, and delete the task. When you Approve or Decline the most recent task, you can create a New task.
4.6.2 Assigning tasks
Click the task icon to start a new task.
Write the title of a task on the first line. Assign it to a person by entering an email address. Set a due date and describe the task.
The task will appear on the front line for both you and the people you assign tasks to.
4.6.3 Task status on folders
All folders with a task assigned show the last task as a colored suitcase.
The color of the suitcase indicates the status of the task.
If the task icon has no color, it’s possible to create a new task. If the task icon is colored, you get the details of the existing task by clicking on the suitcase.